event rabble rouser

Monday, September 14, 2009 |

We had our first paid rabble rouser. I cant remember where I know this guy from, but I have seen him at political events before, If anyone knows him please let us know. the cops did show up and issued him a citation for disturbing the peace.

you can watch the video here
thanks to David Glawe !


Tim Pugh said...
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Tim Pugh said...

OK so they did fine him, well he was out causing trouble at a peaceful event. If he was fined or cited his information is public record, it might even be published in the Gazette.

nobodysfool said...

He signed in as David Radocma (last two letters iffy--could be an "h-a". He said his email address was daveroadie2004@yahoo.com His stated topic was "Propaganda".