Brass B*lls ? seriously this guy must have them.... this is inspiring !

Monday, November 16, 2009 |

Mason City billboard equates Obama with socialism

MASON CITY, Iowa - A billboard in Mason City that feature a definition of socialism accompanied by the phrase "Obama-nation" is drawing complaints.

Mark Tlusty of Rockford spent about $400 to display the sign for a month. He represents a group called Concerned Citizens and helped organize an April anti-tax protest in Mason City.

He says the sign, which also displays the communist symbol of a hammer and sickle, demonstrates the believe that the country is headed toward socialism.

Kathleen Wild of Mason City complained that the sign gives the appearance that residents are intolerant.

From The Cedar Rapids Tea Party


Mindy said...

A sign found on Old Cass Highway Anamosa iowa:
"Obama Bin Spending" MY $$$$

Dan Kauffman said...

So the way to show you are not intolerant is to squash freedom of expression?

That seems to be contradictory

Iowaminuteman said...

thirty plus years of rehtoric that a womans body belongs to her (Roe vs Wade) and NOW the Democrate progressive socialists say that EVERY AMERICANS BODY belongs to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! GOD HELP US stupack has CAVED and his gang. Liberty and freedom will die tonight. But the Fight is NOT over it has JUST BEGUN! The Second Great American Revolution Starts now! We need to recruit, recruit recruit!