Thursday February 9th Meeting

Thursday, February 2, 2012 |

This upcoming week we will be meeting at the Godfathers in the Town and Country shopping center on 1st Ave. Same time with a meeting starting at 7pm.

Tonight we went over the different types of motions that can be made (see my previous post for a website with that information). Next week we will go over when and how to make motions.

Then the second part of the meeting will be discussion on the upcoming sales tax election. It seems the current strategy is to not say anything about it and hopefully no one shows up to vote. We need to get the word out to as many people as possible that there is a election coming up March 6th.

Hope to see you next week at Godfathers.

Meetings Thursday Nights Stralite Room @7pm


Starting tonight we are taking a new direction.

To start the meeting tonight we will be having a presentation on parliamentary procedures and Roberts Rules of Order. Here is a handy chart of motions you can make: . There are some other links there as well to get more information.

Depending on attendance for the meeting tonight we also hope to show a short 5-15 min video.

The second part of the meeting tonight we will discuss the upcoming LOST tax vote on March 6th, 2012. We will be thinking of ways we can inform the public of the upcoming vote, and hopefully defeat it again.

We plan to continue this format for the next month each Thursday at 7pm at the Startlite room. If anyone has a short video suggestion, or topics to discuss after the LOST tax is over and we are done learning Roberts Rules please send me a e-mail at .

I hope everyone can make it we need as many people as possible informed on the upcoming LOST vote so we can spread the word.

Meeting this Week

Monday, January 9, 2012 |

We will be meeting at the Starlite Room at 7pm on Thursday Jan. 12th. With caucuses over now we will discuss what our goals will be going forward. Possible options are combating the proposed local option sales tax. A tax day protest (April 17th this year). Please come and share your thoughts and ideas.

Linn county Training And Debate Watching Party

Tuesday, December 13, 2011 |

Dec. 15th

6:30 PM

Longbranch Hotel
Hideout Room

90 Twixt Town Road NE
Cedar Rapids, IA

Please R.S.V.P. at 319-241-0565 or e-mail to attend.

We will not be holding training at the Starlite room this Thursday

New Meeting Location

Saturday, November 12, 2011 |

We are now meeting at the Starlite Room 3300 1st Ave NE at 7pm on Thursdays.

We will also be shifting our focus to Caucus Training.

If you are looking to find out what Caucus night is all about this is the meeting for you to attend. We will teach how to get more involved in the local political parties. The Caucuses are coming on January 3rd so attend one of our weekly meetings soon.

Obama Presidency by the Numbers

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 |

Sad but ture

Meeting Canceled Thursday September 22

Monday, September 19, 2011 |

Due to the special nominating convention Thursday at the longbranch at 7pm we will be canceling this weeks meeting. Please attend the special nominating convention to get a look at how local politics work.

Parties racing for Dandekar’s open seat


Tomorrow night at the Longbranch at 7pm will be a Linn County Republican Central Committee meeting. If you wish to get involved in selecting the candidate to run on the republican ticket please attend this meeting.

On Thursday September 22nd there will be a special nominating convention at the longbranch at 7pm where candidates can get nominated and voted on.

According to the article linked above the Democratic ticket will be decided behind closed doors. So at this time it does not look like the public will be able to get a hand in deciding who runs.

There are lots of open districts currently so attend the LCRCC meeting tomorrow to see if you can become a apart of the selection process.

upcoming union takeover of the cedar rapids school board ?

Sunday, September 4, 2011 |

please share this with your family and friends in cedar rapids !

Cedar Rapids has four positions — two at-large, District 1 and District 4 — open this year. this is an important election as the local teachers union is trying to stack the school board elections with their candidates.

To keep things simple , we are recommending these candidates for school board and recommending that we all vote NO on the secret Kirkwood tax hike but please read the detail below and make up your own mind.

Please vote to retain or elect these candidates

Mary Meisterling
John Laverty
Ann Rosenthal
Allen Witt

please avoid the union picked radical candidates ( I rarely use the term radical, but this is one time its needed)

below is the rather long list of reasons we do not recommend voting for these other radical candidates and reasons we will be voting for others.

District 4 seat Melissa Kiliper-Ernst won’t seek re-election, in the District 4 seat we lose either way. this is one time we really need a "none of the above option"

Allen Witt (Allen Witt, transportation committee chair for the Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce)

Witt is Chamber of commerce pick who if recent activity holds true, will push the chambers dream of getting a new downtown school to drop off their kids at and be within walking distance. its not a perfect pick, but we think its better then the alternative.

Sunny Story . Story thinks a quality education starts with a bigger labor union (a prisoner guarding the inmates ?)she has been a paid protestor in WI and at the IA state capitol.

( (

Two incumbents – John Laverty, currently the board president, and Ann Rosenthal – have filed papers to retain their at-large seats. They will be challenged by Matt Ford, Karen Hartleb and Kathy Ulrich.

Matt Ford works for skogman and has a website for his election on facebook, other then then that we dont know much about him.

Kathy Ulrich. is in the same league with Sunny , both are radical members of a CREA and it seems both are trying to sneak into the school board.

Karen Hartlep another union member trying to sneak into the board.

fLinkor more info , or absentee ballots

sad but true

Thursday, September 1, 2011 |

A smaller America could be a stronger America

Sunday, August 28, 2011 |

Some quotes from the article:

"A country that employs more than one million people within its intelligence community, and still is surprised by the Arab Spring, is not being efficient with its resources. Waste and corruption are endemic to any enterprise of this size – and the U.S. military-industrial complex has been no exception."

"Seen over a ten-year span, federal revenue has largely stayed constant, rising from $2.02 trillion in 2001 to $2.17 trillion in FY 2011. Expenditures, meanwhile, more than doubled from $1.85 trillion to $3.82 trillion producing a deficit this year of $1.65 trillion."

"Defense expenditure over the same period has risen from approximately $300 billion in the year prior to 9/11 to $700 billion in FY 2011, and the figure is hundreds of billions higher if military spending outside the Defense Department is included. The total costs (estimated and very likely low-balled) of the Wars of 9/11 in Afghanistan and Iraq now stands at some $1.5 trillion, financed of course entirely by deficit spending. The result is that the U.S. now spends more on its defense budget than all other countries combined."

We need serious spending cuts and not a single department or program should be safe from the axe.

Obama says adding $4 trillion to debt is unpatriotic

Friday, August 26, 2011 |

I agree President Obama

We are sitting at $14.6 Trillion now it was $9.5 Trillion the day he made that speech. He still has a year and a half to go in his first term too. Obama says in the video that the first 42 presidents accumulated $5 trillion in debt. He is going to outpace all of them, I say good job Mr. President this is exactly the change we were looking for......

Well here we go again

Monday, August 22, 2011 |

Rep. Maxine Waters: 'The tea party can go straight to hell' -

Sunday, August 21, 2011 |

Rep. Maxine Waters: 'The tea party can go straight to hell' -

Bar Stool Economics and How Taxes Work - YouTube


Bar Stool Economics and How Taxes Work - YouTube

August 20 is Lemonade Freedom Day !

Friday, August 19, 2011 |

Saturday Is Lemonade Freedom Day!

Katherine Mangu-Ward
August 17, 2011

August 20 is Lemonade Freedom Day! In response to a rash of kids' lemonade stands shut down for lack of licenses, permits, or other bureaucratic devices, father-of-two Robert Fernandes launched a site to promote a big citrusy celebration this Saturday. So go find some young 'uns and get ready to help them set up a lemonade stand for liberty.

His site also includes these helpful tips for lemonade stands under threat:

Always be respectful of any officials, follow their instructions even if they are wrong, and do not antagonize them.

Ask what is the statute or regulation that gives them the authority to shut down the stand, and what are the grounds for doing so.

Ask if the law or regulation specifically empowers them to shut down the stand or merely issue tickets for violations, especially a first violation.

Ask the officer if there are any exceptions in the rule for businesses owned and operated by minors, or businesses that earn below a certain amount (which may be referred to in the law or regulations as “de minimus”).

Ask to see the law or regulation.

Get the officer’s name and badge number, or if not a police officer, the official’s name, agency or department, and job title.

If possible, record the entire interaction on video (even if just a cell phone). *Please be aware of your state’s laws in regards to recording public officials. In some states it may be illegal.*

Do not offer the officials anything (including free lemonade) to overlook the violation.

Again, always be respectful of any officials, follow their instructions even if they are wrong, and do not antagonize them.

Below the tips, he mentions that a Colorado lawyer has volunteered to represent kids who get in trouble. Of course, helpful anarchists have served the same purpose in Portland.

For freedom bonus points, why not let older kids man the stand without adult supervision for a while?

No access to your own embryonic capitalists? Go find a kid to buy from, even if they're selling lukewarm Crystal Light! The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with subpar beverages.

I need to get one of these !

Friday, August 12, 2011 |

As the name implies, the cheeky Obama Basher device allows users to virtually “bash” the President, a modern twist on the classic “whack-a-mole” game. When users bash Obama Basher, the device responds with one of dozens of Presidential messages (delivered without a teleprompter) depending on the strength of bash – anything from “You hit like Nancy Pelosi’s hair dresser” to “Somebody bail me out... PLEASE!”

Obama Basher is sure to be a "hit" at your next Tea Party!

Check itout at

our favorite tea party crasher !

Monday, August 8, 2011 |

our favorite crasher has his own youtube channel chock full of nuts !

apparently he is stalking some lady.

Cedar rapids as he saw it

cedar rapids as it actually happened

one of the funniest things i have ever seen at our events. the best part was when he got shouted down and then just took off running into the street like he was lost.... good times.

» Biden/Pelosi: If I’m Satan, What Does that Make You? - Big Government

Sunday, August 7, 2011 |

» Biden/Pelosi: If I’m Satan, What Does that Make You? - Big Government

tax breaks for the connected

Friday, August 5, 2011 |

give one company a tax break while forcing its other competitors to finance that is unjust. we must end Tax Incrment Financing in this state.

link to story here

LA shuts down their red light cameras

Thursday, August 4, 2011 |

but I thought its all about safety ? yeah its all about the money.

LOS ANGELES -- Los Angeles is ending its red-light traffic camera program because it's losing money amid questions about whether it actually saves lives.

The City Council voted Wednesday to stop issuing photo enforcement tickets as of midnight Sunday, when the contract with an Arizona-based contractor ends. The city will work with the vendor to remove 32 intersection cameras and deal with existing tickets.

Some cameras under county transit agency jurisdiction will remain along rail and bus lines.

LA was losing $1.5 million a year because many drivers weren't paying the mailed citations. The courts don't report most scofflaws to the Department of Motor Vehicles so failure to pay doesn't affect a driver's license or insurance.

Supporters say red-light cameras prevent accidents but critics say there's some evidence they actually cause fender-benders.

Read more:

co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots in the United States, talks to SPIEGEL about the US debt ceiling

Monday, August 1, 2011 |

Mark Meckler, 49, the co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots in the United States, talks to SPIEGEL about the US debt ceiling, the radical right's uncompromising fight against the national debt and the "complete economic disaster" he claims President Barack Obama has created.

SPIEGEL: The world is looking at Washington and sees gridlock and chaos. How much have the negotiations over the United States' debt ceiling hurt America's standing in the world?

Meckler: Saying that these debates have hurt our image is absurd. What you currently see in Washington is one of the most responsible debates ever about the size and scope of government. The world should look at what is going on in the United States as a model for what should happen in all countries.

SPIEGEL: We look at it and see a Congress held hostage by a small group of radical Tea Party members unwilling to agree to any budget compromise and risking a US default.

Meckler: What do you mean by "a small group?" Forty-one percent of voters in the last US election said they agreed with Tea Party values. And the primary values of the Tea Party are about fiscal responsibility.

SPIEGEL: But you are willing to accept a US default if your demands for massive budget cuts and no tax increases are not met. That seems rather irresponsible or even unpatriotic. Most leading economists forecast financial "Armageddon" in that case.

Meckler: Default is a false threat. We take in over $220 billion in revenues every month and our debt service is only roughly $20 billion. The only way we will default is if the President of the United States makes the irresponsible choice not to pay our debts. We Tea Party Patriots put principles first, and we have to understand what America is about. Our country was founded on an idea: liberty. But it requires fiscal responsibility for people to be free. We are becoming slaves to our own government. Every US family now owes $400,000 to $500,000 in national debt. We Tea Party Patriots fight for the future of the nation, and there can be nothing more patriotic than that.

SPIEGEL: Democracy is not just about winning fights. It can only function if all parties are open to compromise.

Meckler: The compromises that we have witnessed on debt have taken our country to the brink of financial collapse. Currently, the American government is spending 44 cents of each dollar on interest payments. We have compromised our way into disaster. None of the budget plans proposed have real cuts in them -- only promises to cut. The reality is that legally one Congress cannot bind the future Congress to cut, so these promises are actually a lie. We need real and immediate cuts.

SPIEGEL: The budget plan proposed by Republican speaker John Boehner contained massive spending cuts. Why were you so unwilling to embrace it?

Meckler: Look closely at the plan: It proposes $22 billion in cuts in the upcoming fiscal year. That is ridiculously little. It is the equivalent in the United States of shutting off the lights on Friday night and reopening at your normal rate of spending on Monday.

SPIEGEL: The plan also rules out any tax increases to close the deficit, though. Even the plan of the Democrats does not mention new taxes. So your movement already won the debate over taxes.

Meckler: This debate is not about taxes. This is a question of spending. There is no amount of taxes that we could raise that would stop our deficit spending caused by politicians who have lied so often.

SPIEGEL: Your movement often refers to Ronald Reagan, the Republican icon. But he raised taxes 11 times and the debt ceiling 18 times.

Meckler: At no time did he control both houses of Congress, so often he had no choice. But Reagan got attacked viciously by conservatives over this, just as we would attack any Republican president in the future if he did something similar.

SPIEGEL: The US economy is still growing very slowly. If you cut government spending drastically now, you will risk having a double-dip recession.

Meckler: That is simply wrong. Government spending is never efficient.

SPIEGEL: But in the short run, the cuts will lead to even higher US unemployment.

Meckler: Possibly on a minimal level. But we have worried about the short term for so long that we have damaged the long-term prospects of our nation. Look at what is going on in Europe: Spain is a complete disaster. It has more vacant homes than we have here, with only 40 million people. Italy is a complete disaster. Europe is going down the same path as the US, only many countries are far ahead and don't take corrective action.

SPIEGEL: Speaker Boehner failed several times to rally Republicans around his plans. Does he need to go?

Meckler: We have polled our membership and 74 percent of our members in our 3,500 chapters said it is time to look at new leadership.

SPIEGEL: And should he be replaced by a Tea Party representative?

Meckler: The ultimate goal is to have somebody in the House who is fiscally responsible. We have changed the debate in the United States, which is a pretty radical thing to do in such a short period of time. The question back then was: "How much more will we spend next year, not how much can we cut?" But you will see much more profound change in 2012.

SPIEGEL: Who could be the Tea Party candidate in the next presidential election?

Meckler: The movement has no clear preference. Our members are taking a cool and careful look at all the candidates on the Republican side. I am actually glad people are not more excited and blown away. The last time we saw that on the campaign trail, the country got Barack Obama in the White House -- and that led to complete economic disaster.

Interview conducted by Marc Hujer and Gregor Peter Schmitz

John McCain derides 'tea party hobbits' in debt ceiling fight

Thursday, July 28, 2011 |

John McCain has little respect for you tea party type. John, the feeling is mutual....

link to story

» Stark Admission: Democrat Congressman Admits Debt Limit Debate Is a ‘Charade’ - Big Government

Monday, July 25, 2011 |

» Stark Admission: Democrat Congressman Admits Debt Limit Debate Is a ‘Charade’ - Big Government

a house divided

Thursday, July 14, 2011 |

this weeks listening assignment.

a house divided

click the link above and look for the orange play button

this episode gives insight into what the left thinks about the tea party movement and how they are shocked at our unwillingness to compromise.

the tea party info starts around the 6 minute mark and goes for 20 minutes.

we have a special guest coming to speak tonight, be sure to make this one !

Thursday, July 7, 2011 |

we have a special guest coming to speak tonight, be sure to make this one !

We are putting together another meeting for like minded individuals to discuss some exciting upcoming events.

So if you would like to give your feedback, discuss politics and just meet up with others, please join us on Thursday July 7th, 2011 at 7pm. at the Iowa Conservative Union

1183 Grand Ave.
Marion, Iowa 52302

319 775 5040

as always, spelling and grammar mistakes are mine !

The Tax Foundation - Monday Map: State Corporate Income Tax Rates

Thursday, May 26, 2011 |

hooray ?!?!?

The Tax Foundation - Monday Map: State Corporate Income Tax Rates

Corbett Says Some Voters Want Council to Seek New Vote on Sales Tax for Flood Protection | KCRG-TV9 | Cedar Rapids, Iowa News, Sports, and Weather | Local News

Friday, May 20, 2011 |

Here we go again , save your yard signs

Corbett Says Some Voters Want Council to Seek New Vote on Sales Tax for Flood Protection | KCRG-TV9 | Cedar Rapids, Iowa News, Sports, and Weather | Local News

local cash on hand for the politico

Thursday, May 19, 2011 |

Cash on hand according to the 1-19-2011 reports:

$50,106.67 – Supervisor Oleson

$16,925.42 – Supervisor Barron

$10,478.91 – Sheriff Gardner

$8,806.73 – Supervisor Langston

$3,603.43 – Supervisor Harris

$2,870.44 – Supervisor Rogers

$1,599.66 – Recorder McCalmant

$1,380.59 – Treasurer Gonzalez

$343.69 – Auditor Miller

$0.00 – Attorney Vander Sanden

Meet and Greet with Herman Cain

Friday, May 13, 2011 |

Hi Jeremy

For your information. There will be two Meet and Greet Opportunities with Herman Cain in Des Moines and Marshalltown next Monday and Tuesday. I will forward other candidate information as it is received.

You're invited!!!!
Meet and Greet with Herman Cain

Monday, May 16th
5:00 PM
Smokey Row
1910 Cottage Grove
Des Moines

RSVP: Tina Goff

*** No Cost to Attend, Please Invite Your Friends and Family***

Paid for by Friends of Herman Cain
PO Box 3901
Urbandale, IA 50323

You're invited!!!!
Meet and Greet with Herman Cain

Tuesday, May 17th
12:00 PM
Fisher Community Center
709 South Center Street

RSVP: Tina Goff

*** No Cost to Attend, Please Invite Your Friends and Family***

Paid for by Friends of Herman Cain
PO Box 3901
Urbandale, IA 50323

Cedar Rapids proposes gift to Hiawatha City Council | TheGazette

Sunday, April 24, 2011 |

Vote yes for a tax hike so they can spend money on other projects..... You cant write this stuff, it just writes itself.

Cedar Rapids proposes gift to Hiawatha City Council | TheGazette

David Vs Goliath vote no cedar rapids | KCRG-TV9 | Cedar Rapids, Iowa News, Sports, and Weather YouNews™

Saturday, April 23, 2011 |

fighting the best they can !

David Vs Goliath vote no cedar rapids | KCRG-TV9 | Cedar Rapids, Iowa News, Sports, and Weather YouNews™

Look for your city-issued, gray garbage container this summer | TheGazette

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 |

The Cedar Rapids tea party would like to thank Jeff Pomeranz for finally taking the initiative on this issue. When we first proposed this idea 3 years ago, the former city manager said he would never allow them in the city because of the costs to store the containers. I delivered several reports about the cost effectiveness and they were all ignored.

Again, thank you Mr. Pomeranz for you sound reasoning.

Look for your city-issued, gray garbage container this summer | TheGazette: "Jeff Pomeranz"