August 20 is Lemonade Freedom Day !

Friday, August 19, 2011 |

Saturday Is Lemonade Freedom Day!

Katherine Mangu-Ward
August 17, 2011

August 20 is Lemonade Freedom Day! In response to a rash of kids' lemonade stands shut down for lack of licenses, permits, or other bureaucratic devices, father-of-two Robert Fernandes launched a site to promote a big citrusy celebration this Saturday. So go find some young 'uns and get ready to help them set up a lemonade stand for liberty.

His site also includes these helpful tips for lemonade stands under threat:

Always be respectful of any officials, follow their instructions even if they are wrong, and do not antagonize them.

Ask what is the statute or regulation that gives them the authority to shut down the stand, and what are the grounds for doing so.

Ask if the law or regulation specifically empowers them to shut down the stand or merely issue tickets for violations, especially a first violation.

Ask the officer if there are any exceptions in the rule for businesses owned and operated by minors, or businesses that earn below a certain amount (which may be referred to in the law or regulations as “de minimus”).

Ask to see the law or regulation.

Get the officer’s name and badge number, or if not a police officer, the official’s name, agency or department, and job title.

If possible, record the entire interaction on video (even if just a cell phone). *Please be aware of your state’s laws in regards to recording public officials. In some states it may be illegal.*

Do not offer the officials anything (including free lemonade) to overlook the violation.

Again, always be respectful of any officials, follow their instructions even if they are wrong, and do not antagonize them.

Below the tips, he mentions that a Colorado lawyer has volunteered to represent kids who get in trouble. Of course, helpful anarchists have served the same purpose in Portland.

For freedom bonus points, why not let older kids man the stand without adult supervision for a while?

No access to your own embryonic capitalists? Go find a kid to buy from, even if they're selling lukewarm Crystal Light! The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with subpar beverages.