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Tuesday, March 23, 2010 |

Violations Count for 1st week of Red Light/Speed Cameras

CEDAR RAPIDS, IA -March 22, 2010 - The first week of violations for Red Light and Speed Camera Violations is in. There are 3 fixed sites and 1 mobile speed camera that have been capturing violations. These fixed locations include 1 Ave and 10 St East, 2 Ave and 10 St SE, and 2 Ave and 6 St SW. The mobile speed camera is moved to locations as needed. There was a 30 day grace period. This grace period ended March 14, 2010. During the first full week in which violations were enforced, March 14-20, 97 violations were recorded. Of these violations, 1 Ave and 10 St East, recorded 22 violations; 2 Ave and 10 St SE, recorded 29 violations; and 2 Ave and 6 St SW recorded 9 violations. The mobile speed camera was utilized only on March 19 from 7:00 - 10:11 a.m. and recorded 37 violations.

Today, the mobile speed camera was placed in the 700 blk I380 from 10:00 -11:30 a.m. During this 1 ½ hour time frame, 142 violations were recorded with a minimum speed of 11 mph over the posted speed limit.

In 2009, there were a total of 7 fatalities in Cedar Rapids. Four of the 7 fatalities occurred on I380. School zones, I380, Highway 100 and Highway 30 will continue to be a target for our mobile speed vehicle.